Currently there are 1.9 million people in the city of Las Vegas, of that 309,749 are students and 42,231 are husband and wife with children under the age of 18. plus: male household with children and no wife are 7,394, females with children no hubby are 16,599. The Market strategy here is for me to target the parents that only live in a certain area of town so I've narrow it down to zip code and school zoning area.. First I've have included the schools that are near the area where the charity event will take be held second I restricted them to zoning and district, district B and part of district G zoning, there a total of 20 schools in the area and within a 5 mile radius of the event, there 3 high schools, 5 middle schools and 12 elementary schools around the area.. The total of number of students for the these schools, is 20,068 students, which makes-up 6.4 % percent of the students in Clark county district, the next step is to target my customer in this case students are my customer, however there parents are the medium to buying my product, "My target is lower class married woman with children from ages 5 to 18, somewhat educated and interst in reading" “The people with more education tend to have stable family structures with committed, involved fathers,” Ms. McLanahan said. “The people with less education are more likely to have complex, unstable situations involving men who come and go.” New york times. I did this research on parents and their buying habits, education and parenting experiences, and allocate the number of parents that are near the school that are married and have children to narrow it down even more... Mothers are also more likely to be highly involved in their children's schools,
perhaps reflecting different employment patterns and work hours between mothers
and fathers. Adolescents also report that they are more likely to attend
a religious observance with their mother than their father.
The reason why I did this research is because want to target parents that will go and that live around the area and they are more likely to go, and if they know that the event is close by.
The Product Market strategy: to be continued ....
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